Instructions for Authors
The journal
Archives of Psychiatry Research is an international
peer reviewed journal, open to clinicians, scholars, and research scientists
in psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, behavioural science, and allied fields.
The journal publishes original scientific and professional papers,
short communications, reviews, case reports and letters
to the editor, provided they have not been published elsewhere.
All manuscripts should be written in English. Instructions
for preparation of manuscripts submitted
Archives of Psychiatry Research are consistent with the
recommendations issued by the International Committee
of the Medical Journal Editors, Uniform requirements
for manuscripts submitted to biomedical
journals (N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-315).
Journal income: Archives of Psychiatry Research is an open
access journal and all its content is free and available at
Journal’s webpage. Journal is maintained and published
with the support of Ministry of Science, Education and
Sport of the Republic of Croatia. All Editorial work
and peer-review are maintained voluntarily.
Article processing charges: Manuscript submission,
article processing and publishing is free of charge.
Manuscript submission: The authors can send their
paper to the journal’ s e-mail or on a CD to the Editorial
Board of
Archives of Psychiatry Research, Sestre milosrdnice
University Hospital Center, Department of
Psychiatry, Vinogradska c. 29, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Each manuscript submitted for consideration for
publication should be provided with a statement declaring
that the paper has not been published or accepted
for publication elsewhere.
Editorial procedure: Each manuscript received is
evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief. The manuscripts
that do not meet the main criteria listed in the Instructions
for authors are returned to authors. Contributions
that qualify for further consideration are further
processed. Each manuscript is subjected to the additional
editorial review of the methodological quality,
statistical analysis, and data presentation. The estimated
time from submission to the first decision is 4-8
weeks. Authors are usually given 4 weeks for manuscript
revision, while articles will be published within
2 to 6 months after acceptance. Archives of Psychiatry
Research gives equal consideration to every carefully
performed study investigating an important question
relevant to the Journal’s readership, whether the results
are negative or positive.
Editor-in-Chief has full authority over the whole
editorial process and also decision making responsibility.
Peer-review policy: The Editorial Board anonymously
sends all manuscripts received to two or more reviewers.
If the reviewers suggest any changes and/
or supplements, a copy of their reviews without the
names of the reviewers will be sent to the author to
make his final decision.
Authorship: Archives of Psychiatry Research adheres to
guidelines for authorship set forth by the International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
(available at:
of-authors-and-contributors.html). Each author
should meet all four criteria as follows: 1. substantial
contributions to conception and design, acquisition of
data, or analysis and interpretation of data 2. drafting
the article or revising it critically for important intellectual
content 3. final approval of the version to be
published 4. agreement to be accountable for all aspects
of the work in ensuring that questions related to
the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved. According to
ICMJE: “In addition to being accountable for the parts
of the work the author has done, an author should be
able to identify which co-authors are responsible for
specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors
should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions
of their co-authors. All those designated as
authors, should meet all four criteria for authorship,
and all who meet the four criteria should be identified
as authors.“ All persons who have made substantial
contributions to the work but do not meet the criteria
for authorship should be listed in the
section (technical help, writing assistance, language
translation service, general support, financial and material
support). All persons named in the
section of the manuscript must give their permission
to be named. Statement for such permission is
included in the manuscript submission process.
Ethical approval and informed consent: When reporting
trials on human subjects, authors should indicate
whether the procedures were in accordance with
the ethical standards set by the responsible human experimentation
committee (institutional and national)
and latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki given
by World Medical Association (available at: http:// en/30publications/10policies/b3/).
Ethical approval (institutional or national) should be
obtained for every study that includes collection of
additional patient sample of any biological material
(more than those required for the medical evaluation).
All subjects should sign an informed consent
form and this information should be provided in the
manuscript. Signed informed consent forms should
be archived by the authors. The authors have to provide
a statement that they have received and archived
all patient informed consent forms, as required during
the manuscript submission process. It should be
noted that informed consent to participate in the research
does not imply consent to publish personal individual
data (names, initials, pictures, hospital identification).
Therefore, for publication that includes any
individual data, patient must give his written consent.
This is especially applied when it is not possible to obtain
anonymity of the data without distorting scientific
evidence. Regardless of the preserved anonymity, patients
presented in case report articles should always
sign informed consent. Case reports without patients’
consent are not eligible for publication in Archives of
Psychiatry Research. Specific types of case reports are
not obliged to obtain informed consent as long as
there are no patient’s personal data revealed. However,
if there is a need to publish a patient’s rare diagnosis
or specific demographic or personal data, by which patient’s
identity can be implied, than the authors must
obtain patient’s signed informed consent.
Conflict of interest: Archives of Psychiatry Research encourages
all authors and reviewers to report any potential
conflicts of interest to ensure complete transparency
regarding the preparation and reviewing the manuscript
(research funding, grants, sponsorship, competing interests
etc.). According to the International Committee of
Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): “Conflict of interest
exists when an author (or the author’s institution) has
financial (employment, consultancies, stock ownership,
honoraria and paid expert testimony) or personal relationship,
academic competition or intellectual passion
that inappropriately influences his actions.” (available
at: http://
Manuscript types:
Editorial articles are short articles describing news about
the Journal, opinion of the Editor-in Chief, comments
on significant articles appearing in the same issue of
the Journal or on changes in Journal activities or policies. Editorials do not have a determined structure,
although they should be divided into paragraphs and
may include references.
Research Articles contain unpublished results of original
scientific research. Although exceptions will be considered, manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words,
excluding abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and references. For additional information see Preparation of
Manuscript section below.
Short communications are original scientific articles that
contain unpublished results of completed original scientific research or describe original techniques. These
are short reports of smaller studies and are not intended to present preliminary data of ongoing research
but instead observations of a finished research. Short
communications have the same structure as research
articles. Manuscripts should not exceed 1500 words,
excluding abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and references. Authors may include up to 2 figures and up to 2
tables. For additional information see Preparation of
Manuscript section below.
Professional articles focus on the applicability of previously published results of original scientific research
to medical practice or education. They contain the
results of the authors’ new investigations, as well as
concise and critical reviews of literature of the chosen topic, pointing to trends and controversies in the
field. Professional articles have the same structure as
research articles. For additional information see Preparation of Manuscript section below.
Review articles contain concise and critical summaries
of scientific research articles that deal with specific research areas of high interest in any area. The article
should concentrate on the most recent developments
in the field and aim for concise presentation of relevant information. Although exceptions will be con-
sidered, manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words,
excluding abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and references. The article must have a structured abstract with
no more than 250 words. The structure of the manuscript text is set by the authors; however, it must be
divided into paragraphs.
Case reports should present unique cases of unknown
symptoms or diseases, new treatments, new correlations of two or more diseases or new variant of known
disease’s course. Manuscripts should not exceed 1500
words, excluding abstract, keywords, and references.
The article must have a structured abstract divided
into three paragraphs: Aim, Case report, Conclusions.
The manuscript text itself should also be divided into
three paragraphs: Introduction, Case report and Dis-
cussion with conclusions.
Letters to the Editor should be 750-1000 words or less.
They should not include a title page, abstract or key-
words. There should be no more than 10 references,
and no tables or figures
Preparation of Manuscrip
Papers should be arranged as follows: Title page, Abstract,
Key words (according to MeSH), Introduction,
Subjects and methods or Materials and methods, Results,
Discussion and conclusion(s), Acknowledgments,
Conflict of interest statement, Funding Sources,
References, Tables and Figures.
Title Page: The title page should include: the title of
the article, phrased as concisely as possible; full first
and second names of all author(s); names of the
department(s) and institution(s) to which the work
should be attributed; short running head of not more
than 40 characters; the name and address of the author
who will receive and respond to correspondence,
including the telephone/fax number and e-mail address
if available.
Abstract and Key words: Structured Abstract divided
into four paragraphs (Aim, Subjects [or Materials] and
Methods, Results and Conclusion) not exceeding 250
words, should be provided on a separate sheet of paper.
The abstract should be followed by 3 to 6 key
words for the rapid identification classification of the
paper contents. In selecting the key words, the authors
should strictly refer to the Medical Subject Headings
(MeSH) list of the Index Medicus.
Manuscripts should be divided into following sections:
Introduction, Subjects and methods or Materials and
methods, Results, Discussion and References. In the
Introduction, studies directly related to the presented
study should be briefly described. At the end of the
Introduction, the Aim of the study should briefly describe
the aim(s) and purpose of the study.
Subjects/Materials and methods: should be so presented as
to allow the reader to repeat the study without further
explanations. The methods known from the literature
need not be described, but referred to by their generic
names (trade names can be given in parentheses).
Results should be presented clearly and logically. Significance
of the results should be expressed statistically.
All measurement results should be listed in SI units.
Discussion is the conclusive part of a paper, in which
the results are more extensively described and interpreted,
and compared with the existing knowledge in
the field. Conclusions are supposed to provide an answer
to the aim of the study.
Tables and figures: Each table should be on a separate
sheet of paper with a heading and numbered as cited
in the text. Figures and other illustrations should
be numbered in same order as they are cited in the
text. Photographs should be of high quality to allow
good reproduction. Reproduction of figures and tables from other sources should be accompanied by full
reference and permit by their authors and publisher.
References: The list of references should be written
on a separate sheet of paper, numbered according to
the first appearance in the text. The Vancouver style
should be followed thereby, e.g.:
Article in journal:
Name all authors if there are six or less; references
with more than six authors should be followed by »et
al«. The title of the journal should be abbreviated according
to Index Medicus:
Marušić S, Thaller V, Katinić K, Matošić A. The significance
of family therapy in the process of treatment
of alcoholism. Alcoholism. 2000;36:51-60.
Journal supplements:
Lundstrom I, Nylander C. An electrostatic approach
to membrane bound receptors. Period Biol.
1983;85(Suppl 2):53-60.
Books and monographs:
Personal author or authors
Eisen HN. Immunology: an introduction to molecular
and cellular principles of the immune response. 5th
ed. New York (USA): Harper and Row; 1974. p. 406.
Book editor(s):
Dausset J, Colombani J, editors. Histocompatibility
testing 1972. Copenhagen (DK): Munksgaard; 1973.
p. 12-18.
Chapter in an edited book:
Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading
microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA, ed. Pathologic
physiology: mechanism of disease. Philadelphia
(USA): WB Saunders; 1974. p. 457-72.
Conference Proceedings:
DuPont E. Bone marrow transplantation in severe
combined immunodeficiency with unrelated MLC
compatible donor. In: White HJ, Smith R, eds. Proceedings
of the Third Annual Meetings of the International
Society for Experimental Hematology. Houston
(USA): International Society for Experimental
Hematology; 1974. p. 44-6.
Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly’s
access and utilization [dissertation]. St. Louis
(USA): Washington University; 1995.
Internet reference:
Hrvatsko društvo za shizofreniju i poremećaje iz spektra
shizofrenije. Članstvo [Internet]. Zagreb (HR):
Hrvatsko društvo za shizofreniju i poremećaje iz spektra
shizofrenije; 2022 [updated 2022; cited 2022 Jan
27]. Available from:
Unpublished and preprint material:
Walters JTR, O’Donovan MC. Mapping genomic
loci prioritises genes and implicates synaptic biology
in schizophrenia [Internet]. Medrxiv [Preprint]. 2020
[cited 2022 Jan 27]. Available from: https://www.medrxiv.
References will not be checked by the Editorial Office.
Responsibility for their accuracy and completeness lies
with the author.
Proofs and reprints: Galley proofs are sent to the
corresponding author indicated on the title page for
correction; no changes to the original manuscript will
be allowed at this stage. The corrected proofs should
be returned (preferably by fax +385 1 37 68 287) to
the publisher within 48 hours after the reception. If
this period is exceeded, the galleys will be proofed by
the editorial staff of the publishing house only and
printed without the author’s corrections.
The Editorial Board keeps the right to publish papers
regardless of the sequence of their receipt. Manuscripts
will not be returned to authors, and all printed
papers become the property of the editor. The authors
will receive 20 free reprints of the paper published.
Corrections, Retractions and Expressions of Concern
In an effort to better serve researchers, librarians, and the academic community, Archives of Psychiatry Research and its editorial board, believes clarity in the publishing record is a critical component of information distribution. Recognizing a published article as a finalized version establishes the expectation that it can be relied upon as accurate, complete, and citable.
It is presumed that manuscripts report on work based on honest observations. However, occasionally information becomes available which may contradict this. In such situations we apply Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines on corrections, retractions and expressions of concern.
Errors in published papers may be identified requiring publication of a correction in the form of a corrigendum or erratum. Because articles can be read and cited as soon as they are published, any changes thereafter could potentially impact those who read and cited the earlier version. Publishing an erratum or corrigendum increases the likelihood readers will find out about the change and also explains the specifics of the change.
Corrigenda and Errata are published on a numbered page and will contain the original article's citation. Cases where these corrections are insufficient to address an error will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the Editor in Chief. Inadequacies arising from the normal course of new scientific research are not within the scope of this and will require no correction or withdrawal.
Expressions of Concern
Where substantial doubt arises as to the honesty or integrity of a submitted or published article it is the Editor in Chief's responsibility to ensure that the matter is adequately addressed, usually by the authors' sponsoring institution. It is not normally the Editor in Chief's responsibility to carry out the investigation or make a determination. The Editor in Chief should be promptly informed of the decision of the sponsoring institution and a retraction printed should it be determined that a fraudulent paper was published. Alternatively, the Editor in Chief may choose to publish an expression of concern over aspects of the conduct or integrity of the work.
Article withdrawal
Articles may be withdrawn by corresponding author before accepting for publication. Articles which have been published under an issue could not be withdrawn.
Article retraction
Infringements of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submission, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like. Occasionally a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication. The retraction of an article by its authors or the editor under the advice of members of the scholarly community has long been an occasional feature of the learned world. Standards for dealing with retractions have been developed by a number of library and scholarly bodies, and this best practice is adopted for article retraction:
- A retraction note titled “Retraction: [article title]” signed by the authors and/or the editor is published in the paginated part of a subsequent issue of the journal and listed in the contents list.
- In the electronic version, a link is made to the original article.
- The online article is preceded by a screen containing the retraction note. It is to this screen that the link resolves; the reader can then proceed to the article itself.
- The original article is retained unchanged save for a watermark on the .pdf indicating on each page that it is “retracted.”
- The HTML version of the document is removed.
Article removal: legal limitations
In an extremely limited number of cases, it may be necessary to remove an article from the online database. This will only occur where the article is clearly defamatory, or infringes others’ legal rights, or where the article is, or we have good reason to expect it will be, the subject of a court order, or where the article, if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk. In these circumstances, the text will be replaced with a screen indicating the article has been removed for legal reasons.
Article replacement
In cases where the article, if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk, the authors of the original article may wish to retract the flawed original and replace it with a corrected version. In these circumstances the procedures for retraction will be followed with the difference that the database retraction notice will publish a link to the corrected re-published article and a history of the document.